Pilgrim to Pioneer
About the Journey
Direct relatives born around the time Columbus arrived in the Americas became the grandparents of JESSE DE FOREST and MARIE DU CLOUX. They lived in Northeastern France and engaged in the textile business. They grew up in an era when the very rich and powerful Catholic Church was selling Indulgences. Early protestants like Martin Luther and John Calvin rebuked these practices. Protestantism advocated and pressured people to reject the Catholic Church and begin practicing Protestantism.
In the area of Northeastern France and western Belgium called Wallonia Catholics called converts to Protestantism Huguenots. Catholic radicals jailed and executed Huguenots and other protestants. The violence culminated in the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre where extremists killed 10-20 thousand Protestants. JESSE DE FOREST and MARIE DU CLOUX married and fled France for a more religiously tolerant Netherlands.
ELIZABETH TILLEY’S ancestors and less than half of the English population in the 14th Century survived the Great Famine and Black Death. Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church. Protestants broke into varying factions including Separatists and Puritans. Exploration and colonization of America by Europeans caused the establishment of commercial trade ventures like the Virginia Company. It also resulted in the corruption of Native Americans like Pocahontas and Squanto.
The Tudor leadership of King James I was stressed due to the conflicts between the Catholics and Protestants. The consequence of this was alternating support and violence against protestants and the establishment of the King James Bible. ELIZABETH TILLEY became the daughter of JOHN and JOAN TILLEY during the early 17th Century. ELIZABETH, her parents, the FORD FAMILY, and JOHN HOWLAND fled the continuing English religious violence for the Netherlands.
The Netherlands was an appealing place for protestants to seek relief from persecution. Seven Dutch provinces in the Spanish Netherlands formed a mutual alliance and revolted against Spanish rule. That alliance established the Dutch Republic in 1581. The small republic of around 1.5 million inhabitants distinguished itself by providing religious and social tolerance. They also controlled a vast network of seafaring trade routes through its trading company, the Dutch East India Company.
The leaking Speedwell carried the FORD and TILLEY families from the Netherlands to Southampton, England to connect with the Mayflower. The TILLEY family transferred from the Speedwell joined by JOHN HOWLAND. The FORD family stayed on the Speedwell. After three attempts at sailing together, the unseaworthy speedwell was abandoned at Plymouth, England along with the FORD family. The crowded Mayflower continued through turbulent seas where John Howland fell overboard and was rescued. Blown off course by the relentless storms, the passengers were relieved to see the shoreline. Without royal permission to land where they were, they drafted the Mayflower Compact to give them legal standing. JOHN TILLEY and JOHN HOWLAND committed their signatures to it.
JOHN TILLEY and JOHN HOWLAND’s first contact with the Indigenous people was one of violence as was their first contact with clams. The natives shot at them with arrows, the clams made them violently sick.
The first winter the Pilgrims struggled to build their settlement, find food and ward off sickness. Fifty of the original 102 Mayflower passengers died that winter including the parents of ELIZABETH TILLY. The Carvers took her in. The next spring Squanto and other Natives helped the Pilgrims plant food. Before fall, the Carvers died giving control of their American estate as well as stewardship of ELIZABETH TILLEY to JOHN HOWLAND.
Despite their first fall harvest being less than expected and insufficient for the coming winter they decided on a celebration. This harvest celebration is now known as Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims were pleased when shortly after the celebration the immigrant ship Fortune showed up with the FORD family and 30 others. The FORD family was traumatized when they learned about half the Mayflower passengers had died. JOHN HOWLAND and ELIZABETH TILLEY were shocked when they realized the Fortune did not bring any supplies or food. They would now have to share what meager food they had with the new arrivals.
The Pilgrim leaders saw that the communal way of living demanded by the investors was a miserable failure. They chose instead to accept individual accountability for growing food and raising livestock. They executed a division of land and division of cattle. JOHN COOPER was trying to set up a practical civil system.
About Family History
The results of genealogy are often displayed in charts or written as narratives. I started my research into genealogy because it is an affective way of identifying who my direct relatives are.
The field of family history is broader than genealogy and it covers not just lineage but also family and community history and biography.
I have the desire to carve out a place for one’s family in the larger historical picture, a sense of responsibility to preserve the past for future generations, and self-satisfaction in accurate storytelling.
About the Dates
The reader of this work may notice that some dates are wrong or in some cases there are double dates. That is because the dates used in this work are based on the Gregorian Calendar.
The Gregorian Calendar is named after Pope Gregory XIII in October of 1582. The calendar was a refinement to the Julian calendar involving a 0.002% correction in the length of the year. The motivation for the reform was to stop the drift of the calendar with respect to the equinoxes and solstices—particularly the northern vernal equinox, which helps set the date for Easter. Many Protestant countries initially objected to adopting a Catholic innovation; some Protestants feared the new calendar was part of a plot to return them to the Catholic fold.
The change to the Gregorian Calendar is the reason for dual dating. During the period between 1582, when the first countries adopted the Gregorian calendar, and 1923, when the last European country adopted it, it was often necessary to indicate the date of some event in both the Julian calendar and in the Gregorian calendar. Even before 1582, the year sometimes had to be double dated because of the different beginnings of the year in various countries.
Old Style Calendar
Before 1752 the year began on Lady Day, March 25th. Dates between January 1st and March 24th were at the end of the year.
About Me
Hi! My name is Dan Clark.
I began my family research with information about my grandmother, FRANCES RUTH (WARREN) ALBRECHT.
It was about 1980 when I became somewhat serious about trying to trace my ancestors. My mother, Ruth-Ann (Albrecht) Clark gave me several genealogical sheets of her family. I believe she got them from her Aunt Edith (Warren) Buchan. I was intrigued to see actual documentation of who my ancestors were. The genealogical sheets showed my great-great grandparents were Horace Homer and Miranda Clark (Chamberlin) Warren. I was also curious as to who their ancestors were.
I began my research about the ancestry of the Warren Family from the above information. I have been doing the research for over 40 years. I have documented the existence of over 12,000 ancestors of Horace Homer Warren and his Wife Miranda Clark Chamberlin. This work documented ancestors in various detail. The details may simply be a name and place and others in excruciating detail including embarrassing personal choices.
Both of these families can be traced back several hundred years, to the 14th century and earlier. I limited the number of ancestors by focusing on direct ancestors only. Direct ancestors are those that have a direct line from earliest to latest people. Direct ancestors do not include brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles or cousins. I pared the number down more by focusing only on immigrant ancestors. Immigrant ancestors are those that migrated from their homeland to America. This whittled the number of ancestors, and descendants in this story to about 230.
I hope an existing or future direct descendant pick-ups where I left off and continues documenting this incredible journey.
Safe travels.
Dan Clark